Experience TRIP

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Ready to Germinate?

Like seeds carrying the potential to become mighty trees and plants, humans also hold immense potential. However, to germinate, seeds need the appropriate medium, and similarly, humans require the right environment to flourish. We often experience life challenges and their accompanying angst but resist allowing the germination process.

TRIP acts as a catalyst to soften the hard shell of a seed, re-enable light to enter into the scarred cracks, and reignite the life-force within each being. When humans view the medium of angst as an opportunity rather than an obstacle, growth is activated. Our approach fosters growth and mental well-being by providing a safe space where compassion meets personalized support.

We understand that each individual's path is unique, and we're dedicated to helping each person acknowledge the core of angst held within. In acknowledging angst, the person is better able to reconcile within themselves, with fellow humans, and beyond humans.

Begin Your Wholeness Journey Today...

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment, to request more information, or to book a speaking engagement on-line or in-person. We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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